Facials are a wonderful technique to maintain your skin and keep it feeling and looking young! With all of the health problems induced by age, UV exposure, and even poor air quality, sometimes we just want some assistance in the cosmetic department. There are many various sorts of facials that utilize diverse instruments to rejuvenate your skin’s appearance and texture. The PRP facial treatment, also known as the vampire facial, is one of the most common and successful types of facials for these results.

We’re sure you’re all thinking the same thing: this sounds ideal for Halloween! Fortunately, the vampire facial is not nearly as frightening as it sounds, and it is the perfect option any time of year. In reality, it could be your new all-in-one solution for smooth and healthy skin.

How does a vampire facial work?

The vampire facial is a straightforward and simple procedure. Microneedling is likely to be the first treatment, after your doctor has numbed your face. They will take a tiny sample of your blood, which will be placed in a centrifuge, from there. You have 11 minutes to draw, spin, and apply the PRP, so this procedure is rapid and efficient! The spinning action of a centrifuge separates your platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, from your red blood cells.

PRP(Platelet Rich Plasma) is a well-known source of growth hormone in the human body and can enhance elastin and collagen production in your skin, providing you with a more youthful appearance. Platelet-rich plasma is a type of blood treatment that’s been used to treat tendon, muscle, ligament, and joint problems as well as a variety of other sports medicine applications. When it comes to rejuvenating your face’s skin, you know it’s the real deal when it comes from Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy. PRP therapy carries a lot less risk of side effects than other treatments. Furthermore, since the treatment involves your own blood, there’s essentially no danger of an allergic reaction to PRP.

Who is the target audience for a vampire facial?

The answer is straightforward: if you’re unhappy with the look of your skin, the vampire facial might be the solution. Facial flaws including large pores, wrinkles, and fine lines from aging or sun exposure can have a serious negative influence on your self-esteem and confidence – especially when we’re looking at ourselves in video conferences all day. A facial peel, on the other hand, is a procedure used to remove the outer layer of your skin. Facial peels can temporarily improve the texture of your skin and address short-term issues like acne, but they require a more comprehensive treatment such as the vampire facial to truly enhance the appearance of your skin from within out.

It’s critical to remember that the vampire facial consists of a combination of your own platelet-rich plasma and microneedling treatment to break through the skin’s surface. The tiny microneedles stimulate blood flow to your face as well as triggering your body’s natural healing response, which means the collagen production in your face will increase so that you can “heal” from the pricks of the needle. After your PRP is infused, it works in tandem with microneedling to improve the texture of your skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, reduce pores, and provide you with a long-term boost of self-esteem for weeks and even months after the treatment.

Who is qualified to give a vampire facial

Because the vampire facial necessitates the drawing of blood, conventional estheticians are not qualified to provide the therapy since they do not have access to the necessary equipment or education. Vampire facials are only available from medical professionals, ensuring that you’ll be in good hands every time.

How long does a vampire facial treatment last?

Mild side effects, such as redness and minor skin sensitivity, are common. While the Vampire Facial can start working immediately, you may not experience optimal results until months later. There isn’t a lot of time spent in recovery, and you don’t have to take off from work.

How often should you get vampire facials?

Microchanneling with PRP may be done alone or in combination with other noninvasive procedures. Our skincare and cosmetic treatments are based on your present skin condition and desired outcomes.  Most patients receive a Vampire Facial every few weeks during their first therapy sessions. Maintenance sessions are done two to four times each year. You may still get other treatments between maintenance sessions to make your results even better.

In conclusion, we love vampire facials. They are life changing and can benefit your skin immensely, so try them out! If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us or stop by! We also offer lash lifts in Utah, so be sure to try out those too!

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